Cielo & Dei Voluntas Litigation Law Firm

Author name: DeiVoluntas_Maria07

Employee Rights in the Gig Economy: A California Perspective

Employee Rights in the Gig Economy: A California Perspective

The job scenes changed lately, especially in California—where smartphones and apps took off big time. People are now working in the “gig economy,” doing everything from writing articles to delivering food to driving folks around town. This means folks work job by job instead of having one full-time employer. Lots of freedom there, but it […]

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Addressing Workplace Harassment: Legal Protections for California Employees

Addressing Workplace Harassment: Legal Protections for California Employees

Harassment at work isn’t just unpleasant—it can mess with your peace of mind and health, not to mention team vibe and job performance. Good news for employees in California, though: The sunny state has sturdy laws to keep harassment at bay and make workplaces friendlier. Let’s take a closer look at your protections and how

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Meal Breaks in California: Know Your Rights as an Employee

Meal Breaks in California Know Your Rights as an Employee Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik As a dedicated employee in the state of California, it’s essential to be well-informed about your rights and protections under California’s labor laws. One of the vital aspects of employment law in California that directly affects you is meal

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Hispanic Workers’ Rights in California: A Legal Insight

Hispanic Workers’ Rights in California Empowering Hispanic Workers and Promoting Equality in California What Employees Need to Know Image by Freepik Workplace discrimination is an all-too-common problem that impacts people from diverse backgrounds. California, renowned for its cultural diversity and a melting pot of ethnicities, races, and cultures, faces a unique challenge in combating discrimination

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transgender employee at the office wearing a red jacket

Reasonable Accommodations for Employees Undergoing Gender Transition

Embracing Authenticity: Gender Transition and Advocating for Your Rights Reasonable Accommodations for Employees Undergoing Gender Transition What Employees Need to Know Image by Freepik In a world that continues to evolve, it is crucial to shed light on the experiences of individuals undergoing gender transition and their rights. Gender transition is a deeply personal and

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lesbian couple with LGBTQIA+ symbol fighting identity discrimination, and sexual orientation discrimination.

Creating a Safe Space: Addressing Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression Discrimination in California’s Workforce

Addressing Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sexual Orientation Discrimination in California’s Workforce Creating a Safe Space What Employees Need to Know about Gender Identity and Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation Discrimination Image by Freepik Emily was a diligent and talented young woman. She was passionate about her work and had recently landed a coveted position

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The picture shows a box with a FIRED label above the desk with all the former employee's belongings

Understanding Wrongful Termination: Was Your Firing Illegal?

Was Your Firing Illegal? Understanding Wrongful Termination Losing your job can be a tough and nerve-wracking experience, especially if you feel like you’ve been let go unfairly. But in California, it’s essential to know that there are reasons an employer can terminate your employment, as well as reasons that are prohibited by law. As an

Understanding Wrongful Termination: Was Your Firing Illegal? Read More »

Picture of a work team with different relations working together

California’s Religious Discrimination Laws

California’s Religious Discrimination Laws What Every Employee Should Know Photo by Edmond Dantès Religious discrimination is defined as treating someone unfairly or unequally because of their religious beliefs, practices, or affiliations. This can include denying an individual a job, promotion, or other opportunities because of their religion, as well as subjecting them to harassment or

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Women at work suffering from anxiety

Reasonable Accommodations for Anxiety

Everything California Employees Need to Know about Reasonable Accommodations for Anxiety An Overview for California Employees Rights If you live and work in California and feel your anxiety is a barrier to work duties, you have the right to request reasonable accommodations for anxiety, as protected by the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). This

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pregnant woman working with her computer at home after requesting reasonable accommodations

Pregnancy Discrimination in California: Everything California Employees Need to Know

Pregnancy Discrimination in California: Everything California Employees Need to Know An Overview for California Employees What Employees Need to Know about Pregnancy Discrimination Pregnancy discrimination is an issue that many employers in California are facing. Pregnant employees are legally protected from discrimination under both state and federal laws. These laws require employers to provide reasonable

Pregnancy Discrimination in California: Everything California Employees Need to Know Read More »

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